Johnson County Community College Prof Seyz Cancelled Over Conservative Views???

College discourse isn't so lively nowadays . . . The better Universities mostly gang up on right-wing content and advocates. 

Closer to home at a 4th choice institution . . . A local blog claims that even in red state Kansas, right-wingers are shut down . . . Check-it . . .

Politically conservative, the avid hunter supported issues in the past such as a concealed-carry handgun law, and recently opposed initiatives at JCCC on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and transgender rights.  He made his views known on the Faculty Association (FA) Listserv, the email system available to all faculty members for interaction.

His political opinions, including his views on Islam, eventually resulted in complaints by fellow faculty members and Human Resources investigations.

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Retiring JCCC professor claims his free speech rights were restricted over political views - The Sentinel

Frank Syracuse, who recently retired after 32 years at Johnson County Community College (JCCC), laments what he sees as a lack of commitment to freedom of speech on campus as he closes out his career.
