Independence, MO Dude Arrested For Speaking Out Against 4-Day School Week

A recent newspaper editorial wasn't very well-written and took far too long to get to the point.

We wanted to feature the story and make it easier to understand for readers.

Moreover . . . 

Like it don't but the essential truth of this story reminds us that WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY and this exchange proves that professionalism and courtesy still go a long way in a public setting. 

When somebody asks you to leave . . . You leave. 

If you're late for a public speaking engagement . . . You patiently wait your turn for another chance. 

Yes, outrage sells but playing the fool for camera phones isn't something that most people find rewarding. 

It seems that people are getting far to comfortable imagining Herculean social media struggles that demand rudeness and urgency when, in fact, the work of local government should be slow and boring. 

Here's the sitch:  

"Last week, Jason Vollmecke, of Independence, was found guilty of trespassing. He plans to appeal the misdemeanor conviction handed down by Municipal Judge Garry Helm. He should. Speaking forcefully or out of turn at a school board meeting shouldn’t result in a criminal record.

"After speaking at the podium during a school board meeting Jan. 10, Vollmecke was removed by law enforcement and cited. Independence School District Superintendent Dale Herl also banned Vollmecke from district property for a year, according to a letter the superintendent sent.

"Vollmecke wanted to address the board about how its four-day school week starting next school year would impact curriculum. He was three minutes late to the open comment portion of the meeting, but waited to address the board before it moved into closed session. He had informed the secretary he was going to be late. Dennis Green, then the district’s director of public safety, asked Vollmecke to leave but he refused, according to district officials.

"In a statement, district officials told us Vollmecke was cited for refusing to leave school district premises once the school board meeting had concluded."

Read more via link . . .

All he did was criticize Independence school board. He didn't deserve to be arrested | Opinion

We question the recent trespassing conviction of Jason Vollmecke, a regular critic of Independence School District Superintendent Dale Herl. Like all American citizens, the district substitute teacher has a constitutional right to address the school board. But one surefire way to silence dissent is to have critics arrested on trumped up trespassing charges.
