Google Fiber Wires Kansas City Liberty Memorial With 5 Gig Service

Allow us a complimentary post and a sign of progress . . . We stumbled upon this write-up and think it's VERY COOL that one of our greatest landmarks is also on the cutting edige of global tech.

Check the quote and more deets . . . 

"In April we experienced one of those milestones, the 2023 NFL Draft, in which the Museum and Memorial played an integral role. With hundreds of thousands of fans descending on and around our grounds, we knew both internet access and speed were of critical importance. Therefore, we reached out to our longstanding internet service provider, Google Fiber, to identify solutions to help prepare us for the influx of people and technology needs. They jumped into action and determined more bandwidth was the answer. We became the first institution in Kansas City to use Google Fiber’s 5 Gig service. Our teams got to work on the technical aspects of the upgrades: a new firewall, new fiber installed inside and outside, and 20 new wireless access points. This joint effort enabled us to provide reliable, fast connectivity, not only to the on-site NFL staff, but also to our Museum and Memorial guests."

Read more via link . . .

Google Fiber Blog: National WWI Museum and Memorial: Honoring the Past by Connecting to the Future

The National WWI Museum and Memorial has been a Google Fiber Community Connection since 2014. Recently, they asked if we could upgrade them to our new 5 Gig service to help support their activities during a big onsite event . . .and they decided they liked it so much that they wanted to keep it as a paying customer!
