Spectrum Suffers EPIC Kansas City Internets Outage & Customer Outrage

Last night TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE weren't able to share selfies or troll friends thanks to a Spectrum Internets outage that impacted customers across the metro area.

To be fair . . .

The outage was mostly in the dead of night but shift workers, stoners and so many locals with insomnia used their phones to unload on the company and complain of constant trouble with the service. 

Luckily . . . We weren't impacted by it here at TKC; we were busy working on a few other projects coming up for this blog BUT the complaints are hard not to notice but mostly unreported by MSM.

Moreover . . . 

Last night's outage reminds us how Kansas City, the U.S. and the world have become increasingly totally reliant on Internets access that is now something more critical to locals than old school cable TV access.

And so . . . We when we talk about the digital divide . . . It's important to realize how quickly many locals might find themselves on the wrong side of it . . . And that might spark many to consider Internets access more of a public utility than a mere corporate commodity. 

Update after TKC . . .

Damaged fiber optic cable leads to outages for Spectrum customers in Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - For the second time this month, Spectrum customers in the greater Kansas City area navigated an outage on a weekend morning. Earlier Saturday morning, a Spectrum customer service account tweeted that a fiber optic cable was damaged early Saturday morning, which affected video, internet and phone service in Kansas City and Lincoln, Nebraska.

Developing . . .
