Politics Ruined Kansas City Drag

Drag has been around throughout the entire history of Kansas City.

In its heyday of the "art form" was an exceptional and sleazy getaway from mainstream culture.

Sadly . . . Commercialization and the strange urge of some (but not all) drag performers to entertain youngsters has brought the issue to the culture war forefront. 

Accordingly . . . 

We reach around (heh) to share this somewhat recent news item that's worth a quick peek ahead of the work day . . .

"Since Kansas City was established, drag in various forms has evolved from entertainment for power and control into a liberating art. Attempts to regulate the practice have also persisted."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Once a hub for touring performers from around the country, Kansas City has a long history with drag

Drag has been a form of entertainment in Kansas City for nearly 200 years, but it didn't start out with the flamboyant performances drag queens are known for today. Lawmakers attempting to regulate and ban the practice isn't new either.
