Kansas Democrats Threaten To 'Exile' Rep. From The Dotte Over His Vote For Trans Ban

Party loyalty is the rule of the day . . . In their own words, this passage from a Kansas prog blog is important . . .

Rep. Marvin Robinson’s vote sparked outrage among Democrats who felt betrayed. State party officials issued a statement calling for Robinson to resign.

“If Rep. Robinson is going to allow hate to overrule his commitment to Democratic values, he needs to step aside and let a real Democrat represent his district,” said Brandie Armstrong, chair of the Kansas Democratic Party’s LGBTQ+ Caucus. “Democrats barely have representation in Kansas as it is. The least someone who claims to be part of our party can do is represent our ideals.”

Robinson is a first-term representative from a district where 80% or more of the vote routinely favors Democrats. Earlier in the session, Robinson voted against the transgender athlete bill. But in recent weeks, Robinson increasingly voted with Republicans on a wide range of issues, including anti-abortion bills, vouchers for private schools, and a “women’s bill of rights” that establishes no rights and blocks transgender people from public spaces.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Democrat risks exile from party after vote on transgender athletes - Kansas Reflector

TOPEKA - A day after casting a decisive vote to override Gov. Laura Kelly's veto of a transgender athlete ban, Rep. Marvin Robinson appeared on a conservative radio talk show to defend his vote. Robinson, a Kansas City Democrat, said a colleague had told him transgender teens would kill themselves if the legislation were to become law.
