Kansas Counterpoint Against Controversial 'Born Alive' Legislation

Like it or not . . .

If only to refute their ideas . . . It's important to understand what proponents of abortion are saying. 

And here is their argument against recent legislation . . .

The communications director for Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes, a Kansas-based branch of the advocacy group, said the legislation is "ill-informed," "unnecessary," and drives "a false narrative that further shames and stigmatizes essential reproductive health care."

"Trusted medical providers already follow existing laws while offering the highest standards of care," Rebori-Simmons said. "This is just another instance where politicians are putting themselves directly between the patient and provider."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Why "born alive" bills like Kansas' are a ruse designed to spread abortion misinformation

On Wednesday, the Kansas state Senate advanced a bill based on the misleading notion that fetuses are sometimes born "alive" after an abortion. The bill now sits on the governor's desk awaiting approval, months after Kansans voted to uphold abortion care protections in the state.

Also . . . Sorry . . . The phrase "born alive" always brings a disco classic to our mind . . .
