Kansas City Streetcar Saves Earth?!?

Money rules the world and this big of muni-bond insight extols the future of the toy train in the fight to save the planet in the last 12 years we have together. 

However . . . Notice that even the hopeful scribe seems to question if any of this will help longtime residents. 

Take a peek . . .

 For eco-friendliness, the BCA report estimates that from 2020 to 2049, the use of the KC Streetcar would reduce CO2 carbon emissions by approximately 50,000 tons, including reductions in vehicle usage and mileage.

The BCA report forecast a reduction of approximately 210 million Vehicle Miles-Traveled, which equates to a reduction of approximately 905,000 in Vehicle-Hours Traveled. In addition to the estimated reduction of 50,000 tons CO2, the report forecasts the KC streetcar will generate $24.6 million in present-value benefits over the 2020-2049 time period, due to the reduction in vehicle usage.

The Envision Award assessment not only acknowledges the KC street project for its contribution to enhancing the sustainability of the environment over time but also improving local circulation and connecting downtown Kansas City, supporting economic development goals. Although, for many “Kansas Citians,” there is concern about whose economic goals are being acknowledged. Is it keen on developers or life-long residents?

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Impact Muni Bond: Kansas City sustainable light rail to improve downtown mobility
