Kansas City Star Reports Trashy Town

A bit of irony today . . .

Dead-Tree media is sacrificing another forest of trees and creating a ton of garbage in order to protect the environment. 

Here's a worthwhile passage and more info . . .

A Lee’s Summit trucker who drives local routes for a living, is just one of many Kansas City area residents who have been complaining for years about the garbage on the area’s state and interstate highways.

Many have wondered who is responsible for cleaning it up. And not a few have pointed out that the trash suggests a distinct lack of civic pride in Kansas City.

“There’s certain areas of the city, it looks like a landfill,” the trucker said. “You shouldn’t see that in a city that has, you know, Super Bowl teams and World Series teams.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

'It looks like a landfill': Kansas City area highways have an embarrassing trash problem

Editor's note: This story is part of The Star's series "Talking Trash." All of the stories were inspired by questions and concerns we heard from Kansas Citians through listening sessions, an online callout and other conversations in our community. Stories will run throughout April, and you can find them all here.

Want to help clean up KC? How to join local litter collection efforts or start your own

Editor's note: This story is part of The Star's series "Talking Trash." All of the stories were inspired by questions and concerns we heard from Kansas Citians through listening sessions, an online callout and other conversations in our community. Stories will run throughout April, and you can find them all here.

Developing . . .
