Kansas City 'Local Control' Movement Relies Upon Fake Civil War History

In much the same why that stories about LGBT Abraham Lincoln are hilarious . . . This morning we're going to have a quick laugh at the local control debate that excludes any mention of the corruption that almost destroyed Kansas City during the prohibition era. 

A quickie explanation given that the "end of history" is for realz . . . 

At the outset of the modern era, Tom Pendergast pretty much took over Kansas City and state intervention was desperately needed to assure checks and balances against corrupt local lawmakers. 

Right now . . . STL is now on the move BACK to local control given the disastrous & deadly results of their municipal rule.

Still . . . The argument persists and demands consideration.

 Accordingly . . . 

Check this rally cry and clip apropos for #TBT . . .

"The current state controlled police board structure prohibits any reform from passing through and we are still the ONLY Metro city in the nation without local control of their police. It’s time for the department to be accountable to US, the voters and community members, and not the Governor. Join the movement now!"

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
