Kansas City 2023 Voter Moment Of Doubt In The Northland Vote

Once again, in this upcoming low-turnout election the Northland hopes to demonstrate their growing power amongst the local electorate as the biggest, fastest growing part of Kansas City. 

Make no mistake . . . The Northland holds promising potential that has so far been mostly unrealized in terms of local politics. 

The big question . . .


As with everything . . . There's reason to be skeptical. 

Allow us a moment of doubt on Sunday . . .

For many years the power of the Northland vote has failed to materialize. In one election after the next, voters from this part of town have ignored their civic responsibility. 

A quick theory . . .

Part of the reason people move to the Northland is to isolate from any semblance of community. Northland suburban life is solitary and every day can be spent closed off from neighbors in the confines of a car, McMansion and any number of take-out foodie apps. 

Still hope shines through . . .

Love it or hate it . . . The Northland vote has proved crucial over the years. From anti-tax efforts, putting Mark Funkhouser in office (lulz) or joining with East side neighbors to reverse MLK street naming without voter consent . . . We think it's fair to say that the Northland is a sleeping giant. 

Still . . .

We question if a low-turnout vote with no major Mayoral challenger is enough to awaken this swath of local voters. 

A great deal of Kansas City Northland rhetoric is uninspiring. 

Political Action Committee Northland Strong promised a big showing . . . But in the end the group is sending mixed messages. 

A strong conservative bloc of candidates supporting a mayoral challenger might have impressed voters. 

Instead . . .

Family connections, safe bets and donors attempting to flex against one another give us a mishmash of candidates . . . The Northland Strong candidate slate isn't strictly conservative . . . It's a jumble of LGBT advocates, union progressives and beneficiaries of family money. 

Our biggest pet peeve . . .

Kevin O'Neill leads Northland Strong endorsements and he not only supports slavery reparations but also backs higher costs for home builders . . . Does that seem representative of the Northland vote???

Didn't think so. 

More than anything . . . The Northland Strong slate is diverse in opinions but not united by any actionable agenda.

We respect the Northland . . .

We think that in 2023, a unified vision of Kansas City doesn't stop because of a river or any measly geographic consideration.

The idea of Kansas City should be strong enough to stretch from the airport to the South Side, from the East side and to the Kansas State Line.

Kansas City is one of the most unique places in all of the world but so far our leadership has FAILED to inspire voters to do anything but commit to sketchy vanity projects with taxpayer funds and cross their fingers rather than demand accountability.

So far Mayor Lucas hasn't offered anything close to a coherent idea for how Kansas City will navigate the future. 

And sadly . . .

Neither have our Northland Strong neighbors.

Developing . . .  
