Jackson County Exec Statement On Teen Shooting: 'I Will Not Be Silent'

A bold pronouncement from a local sports hero and the leader of county government. 

Like it or not, here's the word . . . 

Today, Jackson County Executive Frank White, Jr., released the following statement on the shooting of Ralph Yarl in Kansas City, Clay County, MO.

“With every day that passes, we learn more about the amazing life that young Ralph Yarl has led.  Ralph is a great example of a young man that any of us would be proud to know, to call a friend, or be part of our family.  In Ralph’s short time on this earth, he has proven himself to be intelligent, responsible, caring and driven to succeed.   I am encouraged by the announcement of felony charges, as well as the public acknowledgment that race played a role, in the unprovoked shooting of Ralph.  But I refuse to be satisfied when I know that the community and country that I love and am proud to call home is deeply divided by a political system that prioritizes partisan pandering over progress.  Gun violence is a preventable public health crisis, racism continues to permeate our society holding some down while lifting others up, and political games are costing lives.  I will not stop fighting for our children, our community, our country and common-sense.  If history is any guide, as soon as this statement is released my office will receive calls and emails calling into question my intelligence, accusing me of playing the “race card,” or warning me to be careful in a manner that is clearly intended to invoke fear, but not quite enough for prosecution.  I don’t care.  I will not be silent. "

Developing . . .
