Guv Kelly Veto Sparks 'Born Alive' Showdown

Aftermath of today's Kansas political action and a peek at the fight ahead . . .

Immediately after Kelly announced her vetoes Friday, Republican lawmakers, who hold a legislative supermajority, announced in a series of released statements their plans to override the Democrat’s vetoes.

Senate President Ty Masterson, R-Andover, said Kelly’s rejection of the two bills showed a lack of willingness to work across the aisle.

“The governor has opted to abandon all semblance of moderation and side with the most extreme elements in her party,” Masterson said in a Friday news release. “The result is that our veto session will now be quite busy.”

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Kansas governor vetoes 'born-alive' bill, K-12 NRA gun safety training program - Kansas Reflector

TOPEKA - Gov. Laura Kelly overruled a "born-alive" bill and an NRA-backed gun program for public schools, but the Kansas GOP plans to overturn these vetoes when the Legislature returns in April. Immediately after Kelly announced her vetoes Friday, Republican lawmakers, who hold a legislative supermajority , announced in a series of released statements their plans to override the Democrat's vetoes.
