Will Royster Teaches Inspiring Lesson About Kansas City Politics

Kansas City know Will Royster . . . For those who don't . . . Feel free to search Google. 

Quick background of the most relevant facts . . . 

He's a veteran, a pilot and has been involved in his community and attempted a brief foray into local politics in addition to his years of community involvement. 

Now . . . 

His political endeavors were often controversial but we wanted to share a very CLASSY move by Mr. Royster that was recently noticed by KICK-ASS TKC READERS . . .

"Will Royster put some signs up over the weekend. I thought perhaps folks who remember the 2010 State Representative race might find this interesting."

Interesting indeed. 

In fact . . . 

Will Royster teaches us not to take politics so seriously and to value community and neighborhoods over the past. 

Moreover . . . Mr. Royster deserves credit for moving forward. We've met Will a few times and he's always been nice to TKC. This post gives us a quick opportunity to wish him the best and note that this political move has impressed quite a few people . . .

Take a look via www.TonysKansasCity.com KICK-ASS reader image . . .

You decide . . .
