Life Lesson: Kansas City Star Spins Pricey Sunflower State Special Ed Debate

Check this apt conservative challenge of mainstream reporting . . .

We might not understand school funding methodology but we do know a worthwhile clap back when we read it.

And so . . . We're sharing the most relevant passage with a money line highlight along with a link to more info . . .

"The most recent example of the Star’s ‘government good / Republicans bad’ political philosophy is a story about special education funding.  It leads with a touching story on a young special education student to justify a $360 million annual funding increase for special education, which arguably is not necessary. The experience of that youngster and their family is personally poignant, but the larger argument of the piece ignores the reality of special education funding and districts’ spending decisions.

The Star and education officials say Governor Kelly is proposing a $72 million increase, but that is an annual increase over five years, which means she is proposing a total increase of $1.08 billion.  The fully-implemented cost of $360 million is more than twice what school officials say they are ‘owed,’ and responsible reporters would ask for justification for such a generous increase.  But not the KC Star.  It operates more like a public relations machine for the government.

Read more via link . . .

KC Star in the running for journalistic malpractice award - The Sentinel

If there was an award for journalistic malpractice, the Kansas City Star would be a leading contender. The most recent example of the Star's 'government good / Republicans bad' political philosophy is a story about special education funding.
