Lawsuit Victory Exposes KCFD Cruelty & Bullying Suicidal Worker Suffering PTSD

For anybody who knows people inside the KCFD . . . This story tracks. 

Admittedly . . . KCFD perform life-saving, heroic work . . . But most longtime denizens of the department understand they're a cruel bunch with a management structure that's mired in the past.

Here's more on the story . . .

"The lawsuit alleges that THE SUPERVISOR would constantly yell at her and was demeaning to other coworkers. The lawsuit also alleges that Vittori felt threatened every day while working under HER SUPERVISOR. In one instance, Vittori allegedly found out that HER SUPERVISOR told her coworkers about her PTSD diagnosis. As a result, Vittori's coworkers made fun of her and one coworker allegedly said, “wouldn’t it be funny if we can startle Giovanna.” Her coworkers even suggested turning on radios to trigger Vittori, according to the lawsuit."

Read more via link . . .

Family of late KCFD paramedic wins lawsuit against city, will receive $100K settlement

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The family of a former paramedic with the Kansas City, Missouri, Fire Department won a lawsuit filed against the department and the city. Giovanna Vittori filed the lawsuit in February 2018 alleging discrimination and retaliation. She died two months alter, but the lawsuit was allowed to proceed.
