Kansas Toilet Law Stays Winning

Again . . . Rather than advancing healthcare, transit or business in the Sunflower State . . .

Public toilet rules have garnered a great deal of attention.

Here's a peek at the progress . . .

Senate Bill 180 passed the Kansas House with sharp criticism despite an attempt by lawmakers to amend the bill's language to help individuals who fall outside of the male/female binary.

The bill passed with a path to a veto-proof majority in the House, with three Republicans voting no and Rep. Marvin Robinson, D-Kansas City, supporting the bill.

It fell one vote short of the two-thirds majority in the Senate originally, though the new version will get another look in the chamber.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas advances bill requiring transgender people use bathroom in line with biological sex

Lawmakers advanced Wednesday a bill that would require transgender individuals use bathrooms, changing rooms and even prisons that align with their biological sex, a move that LGBT advocates say would erase trans Kansans. Senate Bill 180 passed the Kansas House with sharp criticism despite an attempt by lawmakers to amend the bill's language to help individuals who fall outside of the male/female binary.
