Kansas State Sen. Mike 'Goldfinger' Thompson Fights Digital Dollar

Here's the thing . . .

As much as I think the writing of this former Kansas City weather dude reflects far too much credence given to conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda . . . TKC doesn't disagree with him at all. 

The right to do biz in precious metals might be important if the sh*t ever hits the fan . . . And COVID has taught us that paradigm shifting crisis isn't impossible . . . And might even be likely. 

Whilst we doubt a "digital dollar" will work . . . We do think it's important to provide emergency protections for commerce in the event of disaster. 

Here's how the Kansas politico is making his pitch . . .

"One bill that we passed out of Fed and State that is sort of flying under the radar is Senate Bill 303. I hope this one comes to the Senate floor, and I will be proud to carry it. SB303 is the Kansas Legal Tender Act, which allows for U.S. minted gold and silver to be used as currency in Kansas.  And, it recognizes the inflationary pressures on precious metals as their cost is tied to the value of the dollar.

"This is particularly important as the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury both want to push us toward a Central Bank Digital Dollar...something that has been quietly in the works for a while. And, if the U.S. implements such a policy...replacing physical dollars with digital dollars...your freedom and privacy is over. The Treasury and the Fed and everyone else (like Google), can track everything you do...all your purchases...and where you go. And it makes it easier for the government to restrict what you say and do, as your financial well-being will depend on complying with every Federal Government regulation or Presidential Executive Order. A Central Bank Digital Currency is the end of freedom as we know it. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue..it is an American freedom issue....and we had no opponent testimony in our committee meeting." 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas State Senator Mike Thompson: "To protect Kansans from this, SB303 needs to pass. This would codify the use of gold and silver coins as currency in Kansas."

For further consideration as the blog struggles not to fall into nostalgia every day . . .

You decide . . .
