Kansas City Star Spins New KCI Hot Mess & Banking System Crisis Of Confidence

Sadly . . .

These opinions have NOTHING in common with how locals feel about either subject. 

Nevertheless . . . 

These Hillary Clinton talking points were shipped in all the way from Iowa.

So, I guess they're important . . .

"Good grief. There is a lot of negativity in the United States. However, I thought the opening of our new world-class airport, on time and on budget, would give us cause to celebrate."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Good grief, why all the grumbling, Kansas City? Impressive new KCI Airport is a breeze | Opinion

Good grief. There is a lot of negativity in the United States. However, I thought the opening of our new world-class airport, on time and on budget, would give us cause to celebrate. We toured the facility before the opening and were very impressed. This includes the baggage claim and pickup area.

Praise to the goddess of porcelain bowls. KCI's impact measured by women's bathroom

I had one of the last flights out of the old Kansas City International Airport. As I waited to board, I used that time to bid adieu to my nemesis: the egregious bathrooms in the terminal. Specifically, any of the women's restrooms in the holding pen that was the Southwest gate area.

Nervous at UMB Bank's credit rating? Relax. Kansas City isn't Silicon Valley | Opinion

It's been a rough couple days for stockholders of UMB Financial Corporation. The biggest bank in the Kansas City area, commanding more than a quarter of the market, saw its stock price plunge Monday before recovering a bit to close just above $64 Tuesday.

You decide . . .
