Kansas City Loves Kitty's Cafe

We've heard a lot of great things about this place from a lot of people.

This morning . . . Hipsters offer their tale of urban food adventurism . . .

"As you approach, you can smell that tenderloin goodness. Don’t be daunted if you see a long line—the simple menu makes turnaround pretty snappy. Everything here is good, but the tenderloin sandwiches are the stars of the show."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Cheap Eats: Kitty's Cafe

Kitty's Cafe. // Photo by Zach Bauman Are you a glutton for tonguishment? Food is one of the simplest pleasures of life. We turn to food for comfort, community, and basic nourishment. Sometimes, though, you just want to shove something greasy and delicious down your gullet without regard to its nutritional value.
