Kansas City EV Charging Stations Outdated

Per ushe . . . Kansas City newsies are playing far too nice with news of RESOUNDING EV FAIL

We our consideration sparks other journalists to do more with this story . . . 


This is a big deal given how much local politicos were hyping this tech and how it was going to TRANSFORM the local landscape. 

No word on how many MILLIONS the power company threw away on this ideas . . . But it's cash that should have been spent to keep rates down.

Sadly . . . Local newsies are going easy on the company and this paragraph with just a modicum of detail is dutifully buried . . .

For Kansas Citians, the oddity is that their Kansas City Power & Light Co. hometown utility, now known as Evergy, went all in honeycombing the metro with EV chargers years ago.  

The company proudly announced its “build it and they shall come” approach to electric transport. The program was much more aggressive than many of its sister utilities in areas where public concern about climate change was more intense than in middle America.

The result? The EV fast-charging equipment deployed early on locally has become obsolete, according to Nick Voris, Evergy’s senior manager of electrification products and services.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Push On to Restore Power at EV Fast-Charging Stations

A Brookside woman recently was shocked to learn that fast chargers for her electric vehicle have gone dead on the Missouri side of the metro. She raced out to Kansas City International Airport to pick up her boyfriend. Then the two of them, with their "range anxiety" mounting, watched the charge dial on the return trip dip way too low.
