Kansas City Champions 'Tree Canopy' Restoration In The Urban Core

This is either fancy verbiage for planting more trees or a tacit admission that the forest is taking back several parts of the urban core amid the sputtering economy and speculative real estate speculation that hope to drive away lower-income residents before building anew. 

Of course, here's a more optimistic perspective . . .

“And it’s not accidental. For the Westside — our traditional Latino population — much of the Eastside — our traditional Black population — have been areas that were heavily deforested,” (Mayor) Lucas said.

“And I think it’s important for us to say, ‘How can we repopulate that tree canopy?’ so everyone is given the benefit of trees long term.”

The proposed ordinance also pushes for developers to limit unnecessary removal.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City proposal pushes for more trees to improve canopy

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A proposed ordinance making its way through Kansas City Hall lays out its goal plainly: increase Kansas City's tree canopy. The added cover could have a ripple effect of benefits, including cooling temperatures and reducing asthma risks. In addition, the more beautiful an area - it stands to reason - the higher the property values.
