Kansas City Activists Demand Seafood Justice On Country Club Plaza

Recent news from some guy in a hoodie seems a bit fishy . . . However, we're not snobs at TKC so we'll take a listen to his sea shanty. 

We've dolphinitely got some time to kill this morning.

But  . . . Dear Cod . . .These constant local protesters might need to be schooled so that they don't buy every online story hook, line & sinker . . . Check the report that you might be herring about later . . .

He had just finished a professional business meeting at the restaurant when a waitress accused him of not paying for his meal. Despite his insistence that he had paid the bill with his corporate card, the police were called and THE GENTLEMAN IN QUESTION was arrested in front of his clients.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Ocean Prime Restaurant Falsely Accuses Black Man of Not Paying, Has Him Arrested Then Cops Double Charge His Card $4,000+

The upscale plaza restaurant is under major fire after accusing a Black customer of not paying his bill, having him arrested in front of his clients, then double charging him over $4000. KANSAS CITY, MO - Ocean Prime, an upscale restaurant located in the Country Club Plaza, has come under fire after a customer, Joshua JC Clark, was allegedly falsely accused of not paying his bill.
