Protecting Kansas Ballot Drop Boxes

Here's an update on a security upgrade that's mostly inspired by right-wing news outlets and nothing really connected to otherwise predictable and often dismal Sunflower State voting patterns.

Check-it . . .

The legislation would impose strict regulations on remote ballot boxes. County election offices with populations of less than 30,000 would be allowed to use only one remote ballot box per election. For county election offices in areas with more than 30,000 people, another box would be granted for each additional group of 30,000. The remote box would have to be under continual observation by an employee or via video, and closed when the election office is closed.

The video recording would have to be situated so the faces of people dropping off the ballots into the box would be recorded, and the recording would be kept for a year, available for public record, among other stipulations. Critics of the bill say it’s unnecessary, would block Kansans from their democratic right to vote and would prove costly for local election offices, which pay for elections.

Read more via link . . .

Kansas ballot drop boxes need to be more secure, lawmaker says, comparing issue to 9/11 - Kansas Reflector

TOPEKA - Election officials debunked ideas of so-called ballot mules stuffing dozens of votes into drop boxes, reassuring lawmakers Tuesday that the boxes are already secure during a hearing fraught with election security concerns and misinformation. During a House Elections Committee hearing, House Bill 2057 was opposed by a slew of election officers and voting rights advocacy groups questioned the need for the legislation.
