TKC doesn't need to pay 20 bucks per month for better access to ChapGPT . . . These articles basically write themselves as politics trumps NFL football and our left-wing liberal friends pick the worst moment to start a losing argument.
Sorry, but amid Super Bowl hype and chicken wing prep . . . Nobody REALLY wants to hear about the very struggle of Native peoples.

HOWEVER . . . Don't let reactionary and (often) stupid comments fool you . . . Here at TKC we know that many conservatives have a great affinity for Native American culture; the bravery and transcendent spirituality that many native people have shared with open-minded, thoughtful Americans has inspired millions.
Personal aside . . . I always admired how David Chase worked in an Ojibwe/Chippewa proverb into the story arc of the climactic last season of The Sopranos.
However . . .
The Super Bowl is just a big, dumb beer fest eat-a-thon wherein Americans are encouraged to stop caring about their problems for 5-6 hours. It's not an event that invites thoughtful commentary.
Accordingly, this screed and thoughtful commentary isn't really intended to convince reasonable people, instead it's Debbie Downer commentary weaponized to try and ruin a good time.
Here's the word . . .
But, as the city at-large celebrates their third Super Bowl appearance in four seasons, many fans feel conflicted. Some feel outright alienated every time they see that arrowhead-shaped logo or the so-called “tomahawk chop.”
“Our people were rounded up, kids stolen from their families, sent to boarding schools … and stripped of their culture and identity,” said Rhonda LeValdo, a Haskell Indian Nations University professor, Acoma Pueblo activist and founder of the Not In Our Honor coalition.
“Their religion was outlawed, they could not practice their ceremonies, they couldn't sing their songs,” LeValdo said. “So why is it OK for the fans in Kansas City to play Indian, when our people weren't allowed to be Indian?”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .
As the Kansas City Chiefs head to the Super Bowl, some fans wrestle with football's moral dilemmas
Kansas City is teeming with excitement since the Chiefs beat the Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC Championship game. Next week, they'll play in the Super Bowl. But some fans find the controversies surrounding the team, the sport, and the NFL, too much to gloss over.
With Chiefs in the Super Bowl, some Native people say it's time to erase offensive name
When the Kansas City Chiefs take the field against the Philadelphia Eagles on Super Bowl Sunday, they will sport white uniforms with a distinctive logo: an arrowhead with the initials KC emblazoned on the surface.
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