Kansas City New Airport Hype Machine Soars After Saturday Sneak Peek

Reality check . . . 

Most people who have seen the new airport have been somewhat disappointed that there's so much walking, it's way smaller and the whole thing is basically a big parking lot. 

Meanwhile . . . Here's what passes for local journalism . . .

"Spectators had access to both concourses and amenities that will come Feb. 28.

The locals believe it has been a long time coming for an airport that proudly represents our people and our culture."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Community members get 1st look at new single terminal at Kansas City International Airport

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Ten-thousand community members had the privilege to walk through the new single terminal at the Kansas City International Airport on Saturday. Spectators had access to both concourses and amenities that will come Feb. 28. The locals believe it has been a long time coming for an airport that proudly represents our people and our culture.

'It legitimizes Kansas City': First visitors at KCI terminal call the project a success

Kansas Citians filled the newKansas City International Airport terminal for the first timeon Saturday, marveling at sculptures hanging from its high ceilings while dreaming of the day- soon -when its additional gates will be ready for takeoff. Roughly 10,000 open house attendees toured the space ahead of its Feb.
