Inside Kansas Super Bowl Adverts For Jesus

And donations . . . Don't forget about the MILLIONS in donations that these messages of hope will inspire amid worsening American economic conditions and a terrifying uptick in death of despair amongst white dudes.

Here's the word . . .

"The campaign will ultimately spend $1 billion to humanize Jesus and Christianity, asking “How did the world's greatest love story become known as a hate group?” The ads are funded, in part, by Hobby Lobby, known for its advocacy of conservative causes."

Read more via link . . .

'He Gets Us': A Kansas campaign spent $20 million on Super Bowl ads to rebrand Jesus Christ

The campaign will ultimately spend $1 billion to humanize Jesus and Christianity, asking "How did the world's greatest love story become known as a hate group?" The ads are funded, in part, by Hobby Lobby, known for its advocacy of conservative causes.
