Rizzo Earns Freedom, Inc. Endorsement Over Incumbent Councilman Bunch

There's a lot to unpack in this Kansas City 4th In-District election but here's the most relevant tidbit:

Kansas City redistricting continues to have major implications for the future local elections. 

The outcry over Northland redistricting was a bit of a red herring . . .

The real transformation that took place under the radar of most voters is that Midtown & downtown Kansas City is now more aligned with the East side. 

And that might provide a path for Henry Rizzo's return to elected office along with shaping the future of Kansas City for the next decade. 

A few things to consider . . .

Kansas City's 4th District runs along Troost but no longer includes Brookside. The cutoff and Brush Creek boundary now limits the voting influence of the Ward Parkway corridor or, at the very least, makes the 6th District far more influential. 

Again, as we've noted . . . The 4th District delves into some of the most densely populated areas of the Northland that are home to apartment dwellers and smaller homes.

A useful cliché that's worth mentioning . . . 

Demographics is destiny.

Accordingly . . .

Freedom, Inc. is the last of the old school political action committees that operates by way of neighborhood-focused voter outreach and that means their efforts are typically effective in densely populated urban areas. 

Like it or not . . . In this low-turnout election cycle, their endorsement is critical to every council candidate and part of a coalition that Mr. Rizzo seems to be building. 

Moreover . . . Rizzo taking the endorsement away from an incumbent is a major coup and a sign of momentum against council members seeking reelection taking hold amongst Kansas City political power players.

Developing . . .
