Kansas Guv Kelly Cuts Republican 'Flat Tax' Argument To Shreds

The talk of taxation is typically boring because Midwest politicos are too nice to really get into the nuts and bolts of VERY REAL WORKING-CLASS VS. ELITE DISPARITY that would inspire more people to start thinking about the consequences of corrupt crony capitalism. 

And so . . . The conversation is muted lest anyone suspect that the American money game might be rigged against the last remaining people who believe in hard work . . . Whilst everybody else is outsourcing and letting ChatGPT do the heavy lifting . . .

“I think one thing I would do, would not be to approach your legislator as the enemy and somebody on the other side,” (Governorn) Kelly said. “Rather, approach them as a constituent with a concern and issue and leave the politics out of it. Because this just shouldn’t be political. This really is just something for the people.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Gov. Kelly condemns flat tax proposal, touts plan to cut taxes on groceries and other supplies - Kansas Reflector

TOPEKA - Following the unveiling of a flat tax proposal that would cost the state $1.5 billion, Gov. Laura Kelly once again rallied Kansans to her tax cut plan, saying any bill passed this legislative session needs to be fiscally responsible.
