Kansas City Star Reader Proclaims Predilection For Pleasures Of News Print

Possibly the silliest defense of outdated technology we've read from an adult so far this year . . . Take a peek:

"An electronic screen will never take the place of a hardcover book filled with paper pages that I can read, and with my fingers turning to the next exciting page."

To be fair . . . 

When we're not talking current events . . . 

Physical books still outsell e-books but mostly because of a publisher price-fixing monopoly. And books always serve as an easy reference AND novels are viewed as work of art for the most avid readers.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

E-books and digital magazines can never replace the thrill of turning pages in a book | Opinion

OPINION AND COMMENTARY Recently, I read in a retirement community news publication that purchasing a supply of books can be expensive. I find that to be true, but I cannot get excited to borrow e-books, digital magazines and audiobooks from the library to read or listen to a novel on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
