Kansas City Must Hire More Migrants?!?

Poor Mary Sanchez . . . Because of her demographic background, she has to put her name on this kind of "reporting" garbage that's really advocacy and not anything resembling journalism.

Moreover . . . 

Here's what "we" are working toward that will create a permanent underclass and likely help kill any semblance of the American dream: Guest worker visa expansion and, ultimately, second-class citizenship. 

The European Union has their version of this strategy and it allows them treat people like cattle BUT still hasn't solve their migrant crisis.

In fairness, local biz think tanks were NEVER going to solve this problem and their opinions are merely echoing what they have gleaned by watching MSNBC . . . Check-it . . .

We hear about the “broken” immigration system so much that it has become a cliché, referenced by politicians and business leaders alike.  

Many see the need for a nimble process, one that reacts to changing labor needs in various industries.  

That is not the system that we currently have, a fact that corporations discover when they try to hire highly skilled immigrant employees. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

A Solution for Economic Problems: Hire More Immigrants

Two Kansas City economists sit down to talk business. They discuss the area's unusually low unemployment rate (2.6%) and the possibility of a recession in 2023 (expect a mild one). But within minutes, Frank Lenk and Chris Kuehl turn to where their conversations inevitably go.
