UPDATE: Suspect In Custody After Threatening Kansas City Councilman With Gun

The latest update to this story . . .

"A suspect is in custody after allegedly threatening Kansas City Councilman Brandon Ellington on various Facebook posts Tuesday, while walking around Ellington’s neighborhood with a rifle."

Yesterday our blog community sent word about scary gun threats directed at a Kansas City councilman. 

The incident was addressed by police amongst others.

For the purposes of this blog . . . We are only unpacking the politics of it. 

Fox4 filed the first report and we'll take their lead . . . They did not name the person making the threat because there is no formal charge as of this writing. We want to keep the comments open on this post so we can only ask that readers do not name the guy either. He is a Navy veteran, a former union auto worker, (other than one notable incident involving a former Mayor) a generally well-regarded denizen of the local political scene and a good person. In this story nearly everyone acknowledges he has struggled with mental health issues. Over the years we've had a coffee and a beer with the guy and, as far as we know, he continues to diligently work toward recovery and finding his way in good faith.

As always, our job and main focus in this blog is to examine the political implications of local events as objectively as possible . . . 

First, here's the basics of the sitch . . .

(Councilman) Ellington said the man came to his front porch before leaving and getting the gun he was seen with later, roughly 20 blocks away.

“I start getting tagged in all these posts with the gentleman carrying the gun, a rifle, talking about he’s coming back over here,” Ellington said. “I went down and filed my order of protection because that’s what I need to do legally.”

However, the story doesn't stop there . . . Last night councilman posted an extended interview wherein he blames his 3rd District At-Large opponent Melissa Patterson Hazley for the incident. 

He also casts blame on a "political apparatus" for orchestrating the alleged harassment. 

The councilman uses his words carefully but everyone who votes in this town knows he's talking about Freedom, Inc. as his feud with the organization that has lasted longer than a decade continues at the outset of silly election season. 

Because this is a citywide election . . . KCMO voters from every part of this town will have a say. 

And so, the councilman's allegations are important.

Don't take our word for it . . . Check the clip . . .

Now, our job in this instance is to be objective and fair . . .

What the Fox news report does not contain is a note from Councilman Ellington's opponent on the political angle to the story.

Here's the statement from the 3rd District At-Large Melissa Hazley Patterson campaign edited to remove any identifying information that was, sadly, included . . .

Our campaign was made aware of a mental health incident involving Kansas City resident . . .

Let me be clear: I do not condone violence in any form.  
I have spoken to hundreds of Kansas City residents and they especially care about reducing gun violence, which is plaguing our community. This issue is a top priority of mine as I am committed to focusing on the issues most important to the citizens of Kansas City.

HE has no official affiliation with my campaign and I hope and pray that he receives the proper mental health care that he needs and is not a harm to himself or others. The safety and well-being of all members of our community is vitally important.

Now . . . 

Here's the reality that is most important for every voter in our cowtown:

One day into Kansas City election season there's already debate involving a BIG-ASS RIFLE. 

We can only hope that candidates and their supporters all work together to elevate the discourse as we move forward.  

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Councilman Brandon Ellington threatened by man with gun over Facebook Live

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - For at least part of the morning and early afternoon on Tuesday, a man walking around Kansas City, Missouri was threatening Kansas City Councilmember Brandon Ellington on Facebook Live while carrying a rifle. Those threats showed up on the social media platform around 10 a.m., showing the man walking through the neighborhood where Ellington lives.
