Show-Me Trudy Bush Valentine Declaring Victory Weeks After Senate Defeat

Because this blog is mostly a public service to fact-check campaign B.S. and all manner of local propaganda . . . We offer a quickie political teachable moment . . .

One of the many reasons Missouri Democratic Party is habitually smacked around is because they haven't build any trust in any place other than their Twitter list despite so much progressive blathering in support of their favorite cable news talk shows.

And so . . . 

Nearly every election progressive find themselves in this strange tango wherein they understand that more than half of their voter base doesn't REALLY care about their white lady candidates. 

As always, we'll let an heiress have the last word and try to explain to us how her blowout defeat was actually a victory . . .

"We built a diverse coalition of support across party, racial and socioeconomic lines that helped us outperform previous statewide Democratic candidates, including President Joe Biden, in nearly every county. We implemented a strong and aggressive field strategy that resulted in direct contact with hundreds of thousands of voters. And we raised awareness about critical issues such as a woman’s freedom to choose, foreign ownership of American farmland, and the cost of basic necessities like health care and prescription drugs.

"And while we did not win the race for Senate, I believe strongly that these things still matter. These are tangible results that we can point to today to help establish a solid foundation and framework for another candidate and their campaign tomorrow. Needless to say, I still see plenty of reasons to feel hopeful because lasting, meaningful change doesn’t happen overnight or in a single election. It takes considerable time, effort and resources — and a steadfast commitment to showing up and doing all the unglamorous work that’s required of us to build a stronger, safer, more inclusive Missouri for everyone."

Read more via link . . .

Trudy Busch Valentine: My Senate campaign proved we should all be hopeful for Missouri

OPINION AND COMMENTARY As I traveled Missouri campaigning for U.S. Senate, I promised people everywhere that I would always be open and honest and that they would always know where I stand on issues that matter. And even though I am no longer a candidate for public office, that's still a promise I will keep.
