Resolved: Kansas City Bike Lanes Don't Keep Riders Safe From Hit & Runs

Here's the thing . . .

The very special brand of "bike supremacy" we've seen take hold in Kansas City has ACTUALLY made things worse for cyclists on local streets. 

Until this nation runs out of gas . . . Which might be sooner than later . . . Councilman Bunch and his smallish crew of rolling cretins have sparked needless acrimony betwixt motorists vs. bikers & pedestrians.

The goal should be to keep EVERYONE safe but instead the discussion has devolved into some kind of sick culture war parade of victimization. 

Again . . .

We notice that recently the proliferation of bike lanes and nasty rhetoric aimed at motorists hasn't done much to help foster local public safety.

"Owens and other cyclists have been frustrated by a number of hit-and-run incidents this fall. Several riders connected to a group that meets at the Velo Garage and Tap House have been badly injured in recent months, including an employee at the business."

Read more via link . . .

Cyclist recovering after hit-and-run near downtown Kansas City airport

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - Local cyclists are rallying around a rider badly injured in a collision last week near the Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport. Zac Owens suffered several fractures, severe cuts and bruises after a driver in the wrong lane hit him.
