Kansas Grandpa Proves Victorious Over Trans Picture Book: 'I Have No Concern For Anyone's Feelings . . ."

TKC encourages all manner of crackpot activism . . . But we're just warning our conservative pals that a local grandpa makes a horrible spokesperson. 

We're sure his heart is pure and his intentions are honorable . . . But he's likely a meme waiting to happen.

To be fair . . . He deserves credit for EPIC crusade and triumph over a picture book . . .

He challenges parents, even grandparents, to stay vigilant about what their children are being taught:

“Our education system is a place for our children to learn. As the community, and ultimately the parents, set boundaries, I have no concern for anyone’s “feelings” in the matter. All that matters is the teaching of objective truth. We must be the watchdogs of what our children are taking in.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Grandparent's complaint on "Jacob's New Dress" is resolved successfully - The Sentinel

When Kansas City, Kansas grandparent looked over Jacob's New Dress, a book his 4-year-old preschooler brought home, he was "astonished and disgusted" by its content. But instead of grousing online or to friends about educational standards, he took action with calls to school officials in the Turner USD 202 district.
