Kansas City Faith Blogger Asks: Is Technology Our New God?!?

Really enjoyed this post from Kansas City's foremost writer on faith & morals. 

However . . .

We contend that humankind has been a slave to technology ever since our ancestors learned to warm themselves by building campfires. 

The rest is just a natural progression . . . 

Here's his much more thoughtful take . . .

"So what do we call something on which we depend for the way we live and work? Some kind of god is not too strong an answer . . . And what is the first of the Ten Commandments? That we should have no gods but God."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

The 'god' we have made of technology

A man who lives in Aix-en-Provence, France, wrote to me recently after he somehow came across this 2010 column that I wrote for The National Catholic Reporter. In it (and in this blog post from 2019) I wrote about the...
