Suspected Kansas City Racist Serial Killer Trial Keeps Getting Pushed Back

First a bit of housekeeping regarding local crime reporting . . .

We notice local news attempting to rewrite this tragic local case . . .

"Fredrick Scott is accused of killing six people, five of them on or near the Indian Creek Trail in Kansas City, Missouri. Although no official motive was given, five of the six victims were white men between the ages of 54-67. The sixth victim was a homeless woman."

That "no motive" line is suspect.

In fact . . .

Close news watchers remember that police claimed racially charged motives surrounded the case AND even progressive national newspapers noted that suspect was on record proclaiming "Kill All Whites" during his school days.

The latest . . .

"Now, his attorney has formally requested to withdraw from the case, citing an ethical conflict, although he declined to publicly explain what that is . . . The prosecutors objected, telling the judge, "the victims' families are furious" this trial continues to get pushed back, noting they are also extremely frustrated. The trial was supposed to start in early January."

Read more via link . . .

5 years later, another possible delay for trial of accused Indian Creek Trail killer

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - After waiting five years to go to trial, prosecutors and the families of multiple murder victims might be forced to wait even longer. Fredrick Scott is accused of killing six people, five of them on or near the Indian Creek Trail in Kansas City, Missouri.
