Survey Seyz Northeast Kansas City Stays Losing Downtown Luxury Housing Boom

An influx of real estate speculators accompanied by an overwhelming array of MSM hype is helping to displace more locals.

Here's one more perspective on the trend . . .

After surveying 600 people living in that neighborhood, the nonprofit found that 68% have struggled to pay their rent or mortgage within the past three years. 35% reported that their housing situation is unaffordable and 30% said they make under $25,000 a year.

Read more via link . . .

Northeast residents worried about livelihood as growth in downtown KCMO continues to boom

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The recent announcement of a potential new ballpark in downtown Kansas City is generating buzz, but a local nonprofit is worried that people who have been living in surrounding neighborhoods for generations will be driven out. Jordan Schiele cofounded Jerusalem Farm, a nonprofit based in the Northeast.
