Show-Me AG Schmitt Lawsuit Record Against Prez Biden & Tech Brah Peter Thiel Cash

Really surprised that none of his GOP rivals made a big deal out of the AG's connection to one of the biggest tech oligarchs in the nation.

It's not a really complex story but not as satisfying as lashing out against the widely unpopular White House.

Example . . .

(Missouri AG) Eric Schmitt is batting about .500 in his suits against the Democratic administration, though a number of the cases he's brought are awaiting rulings from trial judges or appellate courts

Read more via link . . .

Republican attorney general in Missouri has sued Biden every few weeks while running for U.S. Senate seat

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - In just 20 months, Republican Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt has filed 25 lawsuits against Democratic President Joe Biden's administration, challenging policies on COVID-19 vaccinations, climate change, immigration and education, among other things. It puts Missouri behind only Louisiana in the number of lawsuits against the Biden administration.

Related viewing that's long, exhausting but sometimes funny and mentions the AG in passing . . .
