Rizzo Camp Reports Doubling Voter Signature Goal As Eric Bunch Still Searches For Support

As we noted this morning . . .

Most of the Kansas City council candidates were at the polls looking for voters to sign up.

In KCMO council elections, every candidate is required to obtain support from a certain number of verified voters in order to earn a place on the ballot. 

The in-district races are the most accessible.

And so here's some of what we learned from visiting our polling place today . . .

Surprisingly, Incumbent Councilman Eric Bunch is still sending out campaign workers to do his job. That's surprising because he only needs a bit more than 650 signatures and most incumbent people should have an built an e-mail list that would EASILY accomplish as much.

Meanwhile . . .

Longtime Kansas City leader Henry Rizzo led his team in the early morning and garnered DOUBLE their goal. 

Insiders with the Rizzo camp report an outpouring of support in North of the river, Northeast, Westside and the Westport area.

"People have known Henry Rizzo for years," one worker from his camp noted. "It wasn't a tough sell at all. His friends and neighbors were eager to lend a hand . . . What was more interesting was how many opposition signatures we obtained . . . People found out that he's running against Bunch and wanted to sign up and make a change on the council."

Again, as we've reported . . .

The contest in the 4th is starting to take shape and will only intensify after the midterms are complete. 

Developing . . .
