Mayor Q Temporarily Trapped Inside City Hall Elevator Broken For At Least 45 Years

The city hall honcho partakes in a 12th & Oak tradition which also serves as a longstanding metaphor for this town's local government . . . Check-it . . .

(Mayor) Lucas said he's never been stuck in an elevator before.

"I have heard about other people who have been stuck. I've always been like 'Thank God, I would not like that experience,'" Lucas said.

But there's a first time for everything. Lucas used elevator 'D' Monday morning; two other elevators experienced the same issues.

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Kansas City mayor gets trapped in City Hall elevator, talks maintenance issues

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - We've all had Monday mornings where nothing seems to go right. It was one of those mornings for Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas who was stuck in a City Hall elevator until he was freed by firefighters. Now he's using the experience to talk about long-deferred maintenance at the building.
