Lesson In Fear: Kansas Threatens To Yank Accreditation Over Native Mascots?!?!

Actually . . . 

From what we've seen . . . 

For better or worse, JoCo students are at the forefront of the move to replace Native American symbols and imagery used for mascots.

Meanwhile . . . Adults with too much time on their hands ponder school daze far too much. Example:

Factoring mascots into school accreditation would raise the stakes. …

“The Kansas Department of Education could even use accreditation to pressure schools to eliminate racist imagery.”

The station doesn’t attribute the notion directly to the board or its Kansas Advisory Council for Indigenous Education-Working Group, made up of representatives from all four federally recognized tribes in Kansas. The station merely suggests the possibility of loss of accreditation for schools that retain Indian mascots.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Report: Kansas could use accreditation threat to force schools to eliminate Native American mascots

Some are so eager to rid Kansas schools of Indian mascots that they're floating the threat of tying it to accreditation. An advisory group to the Kansas State Board of Education would at least like the board to formally recommend public schools statewide eliminate Native American mascots within five years.
