Lawrence, Kansas Reviews Homeless Camp Policy After Woman Dies

Her friends suspect a detox death but this college town plan continues to prove problematic as weather grows colder. 

Moreover . . . This story is worth watching given that Kansas City is quietly enacting similar camps throughout local neighborhoods.

Check-it . . .

On Dec. 1 the city of Lawrence will re-evaluate this temporary support site as the indoor winter emergency shelter opens. That shelter will have 75 beds. Sixty people stay at the North Lawrence campsite right now.

But according to a presentation, which the city shared in response to questions, the outdoor campsite will likely have to stay open because of the number of people who may need winter services.

Read more via link . . .

Lawrence re-evaluating homeless campsite for use in winter months

LAWRENCE, Kan. - A temporary homeless camp set up by the city of Lawrence may not be as temporary as once expected. News of the potentially shifting timeline comes the same week as the death of a woman living at that camp just north of the Kansas River.
