Jackson County Contender April LaJune Response: Charlie Franklin Is 'Waste Of Space'

Silly season talk is now full steam ahead . . . However, we think this note deserves to be featured . . .

Earlier this week we were surprised that a local news outlet delved into county politics . . . We understand given that the allegations involve gunplay.

We blogged that story and in fairness we feel it's necessary to post the response that's also linked via social media . . .

Here's the word from GOP contender April LaJune . . .

 I don't normally post much on social media however, Charlie Franklin for Jackson County Legislature seems to think it's okay to abuse women.  

Instead of telling the truth about the situation which happened on August 6th in which I was being threatened with violence (not by a boyfriend) and therefore defended myself from the abuser, he is trying to spin this to say I am a violent person.

I not only find this extremely offensive, I find it abhorrent that this staunch Democrat who has done exactly zero for Jackson County or the people of his district, is not only on the Crime Committee, was the CHAIR of this Crime Committee and Crime has continued to rise - in fact, the crime rate is so high, the Independence Police Department told the City Council the crime rate has risen over 45% in Independence alone!

Not only should you get rid of this do-nothing waste of space sucking up a salary paid for by the people of Jackson County, you should call him out as the liar he is.

Yes you Charlie, are a liar! It's time the people got rid of you and your corrupt cronies.


Update . . . 

She also made an hour long "rumble" video on the topic. 

You decide . . .
