Is Meth Town Still A Union Town???

Public radio shares romantic notions and political activism in this part of the metro that hasn't REALLY benefited from a manufacturing base since the 70s.

Still . . . We respect the nostalgia . . .

"Independence has long been a union town. Some experts say that union affiliation rates in the city are higher in Independence than in much-larger Kansas City, Missouri. And Sauls has succeeded as a Democrat here — even as the district has voted Republican in presidential elections — largely because of labor support. But as national talking points continue seeping into local politics, unions no longer vote as a bloc."

Read more via link . . .

In Independence, Missouri, unions are trying to revive the power of the labor vote

Two-time incumbent Democratic Representative Robert Sauls has the support of the local union leaders, but increasingly, union members aren't voting in a bloc. And in a region that's leaning increasingly Republican, the strength of a union endorsement is on the ballot.
