Guv Parson Refuses Pardon For Convicted Missouri Cop Killer

Social justice outcry doesn't seem to sway one of Missouri's highest ranking leaders and a former lawman.

Here's a glimpse at the argument . . .

A group of protestors crashed a business banquet in Chesterfield this morning to plead with Parson to grant Johnson clemency. Johnson, 37, shot and killed a Kirkwood police officer in 2005. He's scheduled to be executed on Tuesday.

Afterward, (Missouri Guv) Parson told reporters everything is planned to go on as scheduled. He described Johnson's crime as "cold-blooded."

"It's a pretty vicious crime, you know, sometimes you're going to have to answer the consequences of that," Parson said.

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Missouri Governor Will Not Grant Kevin Johnson Clemency

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has finally answered a longstanding question death-row inmate Kevin Johnson's supporters have asked in recent months. Will he grant Johnson, who's scheduled to die next week, clemency? The answer: a resounding "no." A group of protestors crashed a business banquet in Chesterfield this morning to plead with Parson to grant Johnson clemency.
