Catholic Med School Coming Soon To Benedictine College In Atchison, Kansas

An interesting glimpse at faith healing sent by one of our smartest TKC readers.

Here's a preview and a look at organized religion making a departure from traditional medicine . . .

"A new medical school is slated to open at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, in just a few years. The Padre Pio Institute, as it's expected to be called, will aim to form doctors to practice medicine from a deeply Catholic worldview."

Read more via link . . .

New Catholic med school draws inspiration from Padre Pio

From abortion to assisted suicide to in vitro fertilization, moral challenges in the field of medicine abound in the United States. The Catholic Church proclaims the dignity of every human life. But protecting that dignity in the medical field requires doctors who are formed in a Catholic worldview and morality,
