The Dotte Seyz Racism Is Public Health Crisis

They're hard at work solving the world's problems in Wyandotte County - The most corrupt place in all of Kansas. 

Here's a glimpse at politico and public health officials hard at work . . .


No word on what might protect the public from this plague . . . 

Should we keep wearing the mask???

Cut back on sugar and/or salt???

Wear a condom???

We'll be EAGERLY waiting for more guidance and advice on how to keep racism from killing us in this report that we DEFINITELY take seriously.

Here's the word . . .

The health department wants to declare racism as a public health crisis, said Juliann Van Liew, director of public health, and officials are working on a draft resolution.

“What you see in the health outcomes in Wyandotte County is a very stark and unfortunate reality,” she said. “We have a racism problem.”

She acknowledges that the racism and health inequity tie can be hard for people to get their heads around, but if they look at the statistics, the problem is clear.

Read more via link . . .

UG Public Health Department working to declare racism a public health crisis - Kansas City Business Journal

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, Public Health Department is making a bold move. The health department wants to declare racism as a public health crisis, said Juliann Van Liew, director of public health, and officials are working on a draft resolution.
