Nutter Dumps Home Loan Biz

This isn't so much news as it is local history . . .

Every since Mr. Peanut kicked the bucket . . . His biz is mostly just a holding company.

Real world implication . . . 

All of his former political friends are looking for a new daddy and that's why many KC metro politicos seem a bit desperate nowadays.

The Nutter NextGen never loved politics as much as their dad . . . And so their "civic involvement" wont' really have much consequence.

Fun fact . . . 

For all of his faults . . . A former council MENSA member once Mr. Peanut for the quality of his loans and by the end of his term he proved so unpopular that he still couldn't get elected as dog catcher.

Here's the basics of the company's legacy . . . 

"Kansas City-based James B. Nutter & Co., one of the nation’s largest private mortgage lenders that since its founding in 1951 helped hundreds of thousands of Americans buy their first homes, has announced that it is going out of the home loan business . . . Borrowers will be given 15 days notice, as required by law, before their loans are transferred. The company said the Nutter family will remain active in other business and civic interests in the community."

Read more via link . . .

Beset by federal lawsuit, Kansas City home lender exits the business after 71 years

Kansas City-based James B. Nutter & Co., one of the nation's largest private mortgage lenders that since its founding in 1951 helped hundreds of thousands of Americans buy their first homes, has announced that it is going out of the home loan business.
