Newsflash: Kansas City Star Promises 'Better Life' By Way Of Higher Taxes

The newspaper claims that taxpayers writing a blank check to politicos will improve conditions in this high crime community. 

There's absolutely no proof supporting this thesis. 

Neither data nor history suggest that 12th & Oak will do anything but waste this cash on pet projects and political favors.

Nevertheless . . . Here's their argument . . .

"Any time the city asks to take on more debt, voters should scrutinize the proposal carefully. We certainly have in this case. But voters should feel good about supporting these improvements. This is spending that would directly impact everyone’s quality of life."

Read more via link . . .

Here's our recommendation on $175 million in Kansas City bonds in the Nov. 8 election

OPINION AND COMMENTARY Mayor Quinton Lucas and the Kansas City Council have put a $175 million bond package on the Nov. 8 ballot. Residents are asked to vote on two separate questions: One asks for $50 million to boost affordable housing, and the other for $125 million to go toward construction and deferred maintenance at the Kansas City Convention Center, local community centers, parks and pools.
